Gasoline consumption in Norouz holidays hits 2b liters

TEHRAN – Iran’s gasoline consumption during the peak demand of the Norouz (Persian New Year) holidays (March 17 – April 5) reached near two billion liters, Tasnim news agency Reported.
According to the data released by April 3, the highest gasoline consumption in the country was reported for the last day of the year 1397 (Wednesday, March 20), in which a historical record of 135.8 million liters was marked.
In the middle of the Norouz holidays, continuous raining and flooding caused the road trips to reduce significantly and consequently gasoline consumption also fell, but by reaching the final days of the holiday, gasoline consumption increased by more than 100 million liters.
Iran’s gasoline production has significantly increased since inauguration of the third phase of Persian Gulf Star Refinery.
President Rouhani inaugurated the third phase of the refinery in a ceremony on February 18 participated by Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh.
The refinery in Bandar Abbas, the capital city of southern province of Hormozgan, is the first of its kind designed based on gas condensate feedstock.
Putting the third phase into operation, the refinery’s output will reach 45 million liters of Euro-5 gasoline, 12 million liters of gas oil, three million liters of LPG, and two million liters of jet fuel per day, Mohammad-Ali Dadvar the managing director of the refinery, announced in the inaugural ceremony.
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